Gonepteryx rhamni, great to see it land on the west ride
Picture taken March 10.
#brimstone #butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography
Learn MoreThanks to neighbours Ken and Linda for explaining what’s happened to this Ash. “Bark beetles lay their eggs under the bark of dead trees. When the eggs hatch the larvae feed … under the bark and leave characteristic galleries as they move forward … Once they are full size they pupate and emerge as adult beetles to start it all off again. Woodpeckers find this secret food supply by pecking away the dead bark, then feed on the larvae, pupae and adult beetles.
This is probably the work of Hylesinus crenatu, the Large Ash Bark Beetle.
Picture taken February 9.
#nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insectphotography #bird #birds #woodpecker #tree #trees #Ash
Learn MorePararge aegeria.
Picture taken September 1.
#butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography #speckledwood
Learn MoreEristalis pertinax (with thanks to Neil!)
Picture taken August 15.
#hoverflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography #flowerfly #flowerflies #Volucella
Learn MorePieris napi.
Picture taken August 15.
#white #butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography
Learn MorePholidoptera griseoaptera, provisional identification.
Picture taken July 17.
#nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insectphotography #cricket
A rather handsome Palomena prasina.
Picture taken June 1.
#shieldbug #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insectphotography
Learn MoreGonepteryx rhamni rests in the sun after patrolling the west ride.
Picture taken March 8.
#brimstone #butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography
Learn MoreOn Bramble so possibly the larvae of Bramble Leaf Mining Moths, Stigmella aurella.
Picture taken January 27.
#plants #nature #naturephotography #woods #plant #insects #insectphotography #bramble
Learn MoreI enjoyed the company of Vanessa atalanta for a while on Monday while planting trees.
Picture taken November 27.
#redadmiral #butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography
Learn MoreI couldn’t identify the caterpillar – which was dead and held in this strange position – or the fungi. Thoughts appreciated!
Picture taken November 7.
#nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #caterpillar #insectphotography
Learn MoreA sole Vanessa atalanta soaking up the late Autumn sun.
Picture taken November 7.
#butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography
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