This site is an attempt to chronicle life in a small wood.
It began as a family photo album but while organising three years’ worth of pictures we were overwhelmed by how much we had and how little we knew!
We decided that the pictures might form the basis for a photographic record of a wood in southern England.
We take photos at least once a month so that we can observe the changing seasons and record what we find. Pictures will be posted over a period of weeks so the site will always be a little behind. Usually there will be a photograph a day in spring, summer and autumn, perhaps fewer in winter.
We are not photographers. The pictures are a visual record rather than attempts at works of art.
Neither are we experienced stewards of our wood. Much of what appears labelled “unidentified” or “provisionally identified” is because we either don’t know what it is or haven’t taken the pictures in a way that helps us. Hopefully we can learn and change that.
All that said and done, we still hope it is a site full of interesting photographs. If you can help us to identify any of the species, we would be glad to hear from you. Please use the comment form found below each post.
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