Roe deer, Capreolus capreolus.
Picture taken July 16 by remote camera.
#deer #roe #roedeer #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna #mammal #mammals
Learn MoreMuntiacus reevesi browsing on the north ride.
Picture taken June 1.
#deer #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna #muntjac
Learn MoreA rather handsome Palomena prasina.
Picture taken June 1.
#shieldbug #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insectphotography
Learn MoreButeo buteo, often seen in and above the wood but never near my camera!
Picture taken June 1
#birds #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna #buzzard
Learn MoreCapreolus capreolus.
Picture taken by remote camera, May 3.
#deer #roe #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna
Learn MoreGonepteryx rhamni rests in the sun after patrolling the west ride.
Picture taken March 8.
#brimstone #butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography
Learn MoreOn Bramble so possibly the larvae of Bramble Leaf Mining Moths, Stigmella aurella.
Picture taken January 27.
#plants #nature #naturephotography #woods #plant #insects #insectphotography #bramble
Learn MoreCapreolus capreolus.
Pictures taken by remote camera on January 19.
#deer #roe #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna
Learn MoreCapreolus capreolus disturbs Muntiacus reevesi.
Pictures taken by remote camera on December 12.
#deer #roe #muntjac #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna
Learn MoreVulpes vulpes on the prowl.
Picture taken by remote camera on December 2.
#fox #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna
Learn MoreCapreolus capreolus.
Picture taken by remote camera December 1.
#deer #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #fauna #roe
Learn MoreI enjoyed the company of Vanessa atalanta for a while on Monday while planting trees.
Picture taken November 27.
#redadmiral #butterflies #nature #naturephotography #woods #insects #insect #insectphotography
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